Course Map
  1. 1.
    1. 1.1 EAP Defined
    2. 1.2 Confidentiality
    3. 1.3 No interference with you
    4. 1.4 EAPs are Beneficial
    5. 1.5 Not a "Safe Harbor"
    6. 1.6 Voluntary
    7. 1.7 Not Disciplinary
    8. 1.8 Types of Referral
    9. 1.9 EAP as Accommodation
      1. 1.9a Quick Quiz: EAP Basics
    10. 1.10 Avoiding "involvement"
    11. 1.11 Benefits of EAPs
    12. 1.12 More Benefits
    13. 1.13 EA Professionals are Skilled
    14. 1.14 When to Refer
    15. 1.15 Troubled Employees
    16. 1.16 Refer early
    17. 1.17 Rationale for Supervior Referral
    18. 1.18 When to Refer
    19. 1.19 When to Refer (cont.)
      1. 1.19a Quick Quiz: Benefits of EAPs
    20. 1.20 Don't enable
    21. 1.21 Steps in Referral
    22. 1.22 Observing Performance
    23. 1.23 Observing performance . . .
    24. 1.24 Do's and Don'ts
    25. 1.25 Do's and Don'ts . . .
    26. 1.26 Caution: Sending employees home
    27. 1.27 A Word about Alcohol
      1. 1.27a Quick Quiz: Self vs. Supervisor Referral
    28. 1.28 Documentation
    29. 1.29 "Effective" Documentation
    30. 1.30 Open about documentation
    31. 1.31 Documentation techniques
    32. 1.32 What to document
    33. 1.33 More documentation issues
    34. 1.34 Geographic "cures"
    35. 1.35 Avoiding emotional language
    36. 1.36 Confrontation
    37. 1.37 How employees respond
    38. 1.38 Misconceptions
    39. 1.39 Be direct in confrontation
    40. 1.40 Steps in Confrontation
    41. 1.41 Steps in Confrontation
    42. 1.42 About corrective letters
      1. 1.42a Quick Quiz: Constructive Confrontation
    43. 1.43 Corrective letters (more)
    44. 1.44 Corrective letters (more)
    45. 1.45 Corrective letters (more)
    46. 1.46 Corrective letters (more)
    47. 1.47 Making the referral
    48. 1.48 Referral to the EAP (cont.)
    49. 1.49 Referral (cont.)
    50. 1.50 Referral to the EAP (cont.)
      1. 1.50a Quick Quiz: Making a Referral
    51. 1.51 Maintain confidentiality
    52. 1.52 Communication with the EAP
    53. 1.53 Communication with the EAP
    54. 1.54 After the referral
    55. 1.55 Monitoring your employee
    56. 1.56 Monitoring your employee
    57. 1.57 About relapse
    58. 1.58 Follow up and help
      1. 1.58a Last Quiz: Monitoring Your Employee After an EAP Referral
  2. 2. End & Restart
    1. 2.1 End or Restart.