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Stress Management Secrets for Supervisors
Part I
Stress Management Secrets for Supervisors

Resolving Conflict Among Employees; Resolving Conflict Among Peers
and the Boss;  Negotiating with Others; Supervisor Role in  Conflict;
Supporting Troubled Employees without Overstepping Your Bounds;
More Stress Tips (15 min.)
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Part II
Coping with Feelings of Isolation in Supervision; Dealing with Discipline and
Dismissal Stress; Conquering Self-doubt; More Stress Tips (15 min.)
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Part III
Goal Setting; Time Management, Getting Things Done, Invervening with Burnou; Coping Skills; Dealing with Change; Staying Positive; Leading in the Midst of Stress; Taking Charge; Motivating Others; More Stress Tips (15  Min.)
Price: $ Stock #: 358
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