4.1 Important Things to Know about the EAP
  1. The EAP is non-disciplinary. A referral to the EAP by the supervisor based on job performance problems is not a . . . .
  2. EAPs cannot interfere with administrative or supervisory practices. The EAP cannot advise your supervisor on disciplinary matters . . . .
  3. There are no fees for EAP services. The services of the EAP are paid for by your employer. If you require a referral . . .
  4. The EAP is not a psychotherapy service or a treatment program. EAPs specialize identifying problems, assessment . . .
  5. The EAP is voluntary. Employees cannot be "forced to go to the EAP." However, policies or regulations governing certain workplace infractions . . . .
  6. Seeking help from the EAP cannot adversely affect you. You cannot have your job security or promotional opportunities jeopardized . . .