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Reasonable Suspicion Training, DOT Training, Drug Free Workplace for Supervisors

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Click here. E-mail us your drug-free workplace policy. We will insert it into this course, e-mail you a link, and then you can see the portion of the course where it pops up. There is no charge. Please allow two hours.
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Sample Images (Assorted) Checklist (Handout Example) Training Formats Available Pop-up Handouts in Course Certificate Issued By Course Employee Avoidance Alcohol on the Breath
"This DOT supervisor training program in drug and alcohol awareness was easy for me to modify to meet my needs today—exactly what I was looking for. I needed to develop a course quickly, but I didn't want to kill myself doing it. The content was well developed and broad enough that I could adjust the run time by dropping a few slides rather than having to add slides to make it longer. Thanks!"

Cliff McPherson,
Panhandle Energy,
Houston, TX



Click here. Reasonable Suspicion Training Online or Web Courses: What You Should Know to Save Money, Train More Supervisors, Get Exactly What You Want in an Online Drug and Alcohol Course

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You Own this Online Training Course in Reasonable Suspicion and Can Train Every Supervisor, No Matter Where They Are, in DOT Alcohol and Drug Awareness and Document It with A Certificate of Completion. And Save Thousands of Dollars.

Online Supervisor Training Easily Uploads to Your Web Site for Anytime, Anywhere, Certificate-Generated Proof of Training in Alcohol and Drug Awareness to Meet DOT Training Requirements

Discussion of Choices:

DOT Training Web Course Overview

This one-of-a-kind training resource operates from your Web site. You own it. You control it. There is no linking, no log-ins to us, and no "per user fees". Nothing complicated. It works like a charm and you only pay a one-time flat fee.

We developed this product so you could avoid the hassle and expense of this type of training. It is a complete training solution--two hours in length with handouts, audio narration, manual control, test questions and answers, and your downloadable policy and procedures if you need them included. It generates a Certificate of Completion that is personalized and time-dated stamped. There is no product like it anywhere.

Click here to request a free link to preview the entire program now.
Or go here to request a 60 day Free Preview CD.

Meets DOT Requirements

This program meets the U.S. Department of Transportation requirements for DOT supervisor training for one hour alcohol and one hour drug education, but it also motivates DOT supervisors to act and not cover-up employees with alcohol and drug problems.

You Own It. It's On Your Web Site

The entire DOT Supervisor Training course is self-contained and uploads to your web site from the CD we send.There are no licensing fees. It will operate on any Web site, and any computer.

Expert Content, Expertly Produced

The DOT Training Supervisor course content was written, coordinated, and produced under the guidance of Daniel Feerst, MSW, LISW-CP, America's most widely read EAP author. Mr. Feerst publishes the FrontLine Supervisor EAP Newsletter and FrontLine Employee EAP Newsletters. These publications are read by millions of employees and supervisors monthly. Mr. Feerst has a 30 year history of drug-free workplace consulting, EAP management, supervisory training, health care marketing, HR consulting. He is publisher of WorkExcel.com, SupervisorHelpDesk.com, and HandoutsPlus.com Web sites.

DOT Training Supervisors Recall

The DOT training course includes a section on reasonable suspicion to motivate supervisors and have them act, believe in, and support the drug free workplace policy. So it goes beyond simple signs and symptoms of the DOT training requirement. The DOT training requirement will not, in itself, motivate supervisors to stop covering up. This program aims for that goal.

The DOT Training course discusses alcohol and drug abuse and their signs, symptoms, effects, hazards, workplace impact of the substance, and confronts myths and dispels misconceptions about substance abuse and addictive disease.

Original and Effective Handouts for Supervisors

Next come the handouts. There are five of them in the DOT Supervsor Training course. Each is a PDF that "pops-up" during the course. It's printable. Following each DOT Training handout there is a test question to verify content was read. Throughout the course, there are a total of 35 test questions.

Reduce Risk with Learners Guided to Achieve 100% Score

The student grades their tests. Any question marked incorrectly is discussed and the student is asked to correct it. You end up with scored certificates for each learner. This is key in risk reduction, liability exposure management, and demonstrating to insurance companies, legal experts, and risk managers that all supervisors have been adequately trained.

Flexible, Scalable, Easy to Use, and Effective

We will add your own policy to this course if you e-mail it here. We will then return a preview link so you can see how it pops up in the course. There's no charge. We will allow you to get a closer look at how this course operates. We will not retain this file. It is completely deleted. You may send any document as a "mock" policy, of course.

This course takes two hours to complete, but a student can "save their place" with a button on the side bar. Even if the learner returns weeks later, clicking the "Go to" button will immediately take the learner to where he or she left off.

Upon completion of the DOT training course, the supervisor receives a personalized Certificate of Completion. It is dated, time stamped, and has the title of the course on it. This Certificate of Completion can be printed, or the relevant text on it copied with a mouse and pasted to a document or e-mailed to the testing coordinator.

DOT Training Price Options and Information.
Format Options:
PowerPoint with Sound and No Sound: You get both formats with one purchase. Trainers guide and handouts included.
Flash Movie Flash Self-play CD: The CD contains a Flash movie for one-click play operation on your Web site. CD is portable and will also self-play. Don't forget the compre hensive drug-and-alcohol education module. We also supply with seven powerful fact sheet PDFs. Place these on your password protected web site for easy downloading by learners. DOT Training Price Options and Information.
DVD of Flash Movie (above): This format is for standard DVD Player. Fact sheets for distribution/discussion are included.
See and use the full training program before you decide to buy it. Keep it for a full 60 days. Use it to train supervisors without cost or obligation. You receive free return postage via UPS. The only catch--you agree not to copy or retain the material in any format if you decide not to make a purchase.

 If you need modifications, inserts, or edits, just ask so we can make this program precisely what you need for your organization.

Training and DOT Supervisor Training Easy Preview Agreement
Discussion of Choices:
Phone 1-800-626-4327 and we will try to mail it today.

Reach Every Supervisor: You could send an e-mail with the link to every supervisor at ONE TIME in your company; instruct them to complete the training; and have Certificates in-hand from every supervisor within days. (We are the ONLY company that makes this possible.)

Your Policies--In the Course! We can add your PDFs--policies and other important handouts and documents for a small fee per handout.

Easy, Simple, No Complicated Technology! When you receive the CD, simply upload the program to your Web site. One-step, easy instructions included. No learning curve. No frustrations. Nothing technical. See a bit of the course now: DOT Training and DOT Supervisor Training Course

What's Included?: The Reasonable Suspicion Web course includes handouts, printable pages, test questions, and a scored, personalized, date-stamped Certificate of Completion for the learner. (The other formats contain handouts and instructor's guides.) The certificate can be printed or e-mailed to the human resources manager, safety manager, or other course administrator. Buy now or get a full preview with a 100% absolute, no questions asked, money-back guarantee. Simply check "Free Preview" on shopping cart.

Seamless: We can also add your logo on the front slide. See an example of the front page from another customer's DOT Training Course here.

Adaptable and Scalable: Use this course within your existing learning management system (LMS). Need SCORM or another format? We have nearly every one. We will run it for compatibility--and there is no extra charge.

Use immediately: Upon arrival the CD is ready to go right out of the package. Give the it to your Web technology staff and you're in business. Your next step is e-mailing the start link to one supervisor or all.
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About the Author


- Many employers have drug free workplace policies, however, many supervisors and managers ignore or fail to act on them. A principal of a elementary school may use his or her own "approach" to dealing with an alcoholic teacher for years. This enabling pattern can be a serious problem as risk mounts.

- Many employment positions are not covered by DOT training requirements. They include school teachers, warehouse workers, administrative staffs, private industry and municipal workers, etc.

Do not think that the risk of tragedy is less than that of a truck driver hauling gasoline. If there are 100 employees in your work setting--no matter what it is--there are seven alcoholic or drug dependent employees on the job. A few may be in recovery. Some may be in early stages of addiction. But there are a few who are intoxicated, using drugs, or have a fifth of liquor in a desk drawer as your read this paragraph.

The hardest thing in the world is getting a manager with years of workplace experience to do something different, but this training is designed to get managers to act. Your most at-risk employees are being enabled and covered up by not new supervisors, but experienced valuable managers who think they "know better".

- Alcoholism affects 1 out of 10-11 drinkers. It's that simple. Drinking near the job, before work, late at night so toxicity remains the next morning, and having a bottle in the desk drawer occurs with about one out of five middle-stage alcoholic workers over age 45. It's that simple.

- If you click on this "request an online preview link" we will email this training program to you so you can preview it online. It will remain active for short time. Simply phone us to reactivate it if you need more time.

For more information:
DFA Publishing LLC
P.O. Box 2006
Mount Pleasant, SC 29465 US
Email: publisher@workexcel.com

Phone:  843-884-3632
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