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Supervisor Training Orientation Free Previw
Price: $ Stock #: 190P
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Price: $ Stock #: 190
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What can this program do ?

There are several formats of this program available to meet any training need. Purchase any format, then get any other format for half price.

You can now train supervisors who miss live training....Train without asking the organization for time....Train when convenient - anywhere, anytime....Avoid travel to train in the field....Cut training-related costs....Train new and promoted supervisors.... Give supervisors a quick review of steps prior to referring a troubled employee....Save time, paperwork, energy....Get rid of those “old” or “outdated” videos!....Increase utilization....Get more supervisor referrals....Increase EAP value....Identify more at-risk troubled employees....

I can put it on our Web site?

Yes, with the web course program format or flash programs. Give the CD we provide to your web technician. Instructions take minutes.

The Web course produces a Certificate of Completion to verify completion. It can be printed or it's contents copied by the learner and e-mailed. You can also integrate this program with your existing training system.

What's included in the training?

All formats address EAP rationale, observation, documentation, confrontation, referral, and follow-up after an EAP referral; avoiding missteps in the referral process, mismanagement of troubled employees, avoiding manipulation, and much more.

The training program includes test questions and on-the-spot, automatic scoring. Every supervisor learns, and every supervisor passes.

More Information

Takes about 30 minutes to train. This program has been purchased and used by hundreds of EAPs since 2004 with many contributing ideas and adjustments to its contents, thereby making it the most effective training program ever assembled.