Supervisors Help Employees with EAP Referrals
Supervisor Training:
Using the EAP in Supervision
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This course will teach you about how EAPs work, the steps in making a supervisor referral, and how to avoid common pitfalls when managing troubled employees.

During the course, you will be given short quizzes to help you apply what you are learning. Be sure to view all the contents on each page by scrolling where indicated. Don't miss important links at the bottom of some pages.

Use the BLUE forward and backward buttons to navigate the course. Print any page you would like to have for future reference.

If you must quit the course early, be sure to click the "SAVE" BUTTON in the left-hand margin to create a bookmark. When you restart the course, click on the "GO TO" BUTTON to return to where you left off.

Contact your employee assistance professional if you have any questions about the EAP after completing the course. Also, be sure to read your organization's EAP policy so you understand your responsibility and role in the program's success. Remember, top management has endorsed your EAP and expects you to support it.

Enjoy the course and reap the benefits EAPs promise organizations and their employees.

Course Map/Table of Contents
  • 1. EAP Basics for Supervisors
    1. 1.1 Understanding EAPs
    2. 1.2 Understanding EAPs (continued)
    3. 1.3 EAPs Benefit the Entire Organization
    4. 1.4 How EAPs Fit into Supervision
  • 2. Step 1: Observing of Job Performance
    1. 2.1 Observing Performance Prior to Documentation
  • 3. Step 2: Documenting Performance Problems
    1. 3.1 Documenting Performance Problems
    2. 3.2 Documenting Performance Problems (continued)
  • 4. Step 3: Confronting Your Employee
    1. 4.1 Constructive Confrontation: Helping Your Employee Succeed
  • 5. Step 4: Referral: What to Say, and How to Say It
    1. 5.1 Referral to the EAP
  • 6. Monitoring Your Employee After an EAP Referral
    1. 6.1 After the Referral: Monitoring Your Employee's Performance
  • EAP Basics for Supervisors
    Understanding EAPs

    An EAP is a work-site-based program to assist: (1) the work organization in addressing productivity issues, and; (2) employee clients in identifying and resolving personal concerns that may affect job performance. (International Employee Assistance Professionals Association, 1998)

    1. EAPs are confidential. . . The identities of EAP participants are protected by confidentiality laws. Confidentiality is also assured by the organization's EAP policy.
    2. EAPs are without cost to employees and family members. Employees are responsible for the cost of services to which they might be referred by the EAP. EAPs help employees find affordable services to match their circumstances and ability to pay.
    3. EAPs do not interfere with administrative or supervisory practices. The EAP will not interfere with your job as a supervisor. The EAP may offer consulting and coaching help on managing a troubled employee, but it will not tell you what type of discipline to use nor direct your managerial decisions.
    It's True!
    It's True!
    EAPs are not "benefit programs" in the typical sense. They are pro-employee and pro-organization management tools that benefit everyone.
    Understanding EAPs (continued)
    1. EAPs are not a "safe harbor". . . . Participation in an EAP does not excuse unsatisfactory job performance. Your hands are not "tied" and you are not prohibited from taking action in response to an employee's continuing job performance problems.
    2. EAPs are voluntary. . . Employees are not "forced" to participate in an EAP. Getting angry or telling an employee it is "mandatory" to go to the EAP may harm the program's ability to attract employees and the organization's investment in it. Utilization may suffer. Employees who come to an EAP and say, "My supervisor told me I had to come," are typically less accepting of help.
    3. EAPs are non-disciplinary. . . EAPs cannot dispense, recommend, or recommend against disciplinary action. An employee cannot have job security, promotional opportunities, or position status jeopardized solely for participating in an EAP.
    1. There are two types of referrals to an EAP. Self-referral: An employee volunteers to participate in the EAP without being referred by the supervisor. Supervisor Referral: The employee agrees to participate in the EAP after being referred by the supervisor based on job performance problems (attendance, quality of work, behavior/conduct, availability issues, etc.).
    It's True!
    It's True!
    An EAP may be charged with evaluating an employee who tests positive for drugs or alcohol at work. An EAP may then refer him or her to treatment. The organization may choose to terminate an employee for violating the organization's drug-free workplace policy if he or she does not accept an EAP referral and follow its recommendations. Is this a voluntary use of the EAP? The answer is "yes" because the employee is being offered an opportunity to be accommodated for a medical problem in lieu of termination for violating the policy.

    With an EAP, a supervisor can focus on performance, and not feel compelled to get "involved" in the personal problems of employees. Supervisors should take advantage of this and expect employees to take personal responsibility for using resources and accepting help offered by the EAP.
    Quick Quiz: EAP Basics
    Select the appropriate answer for each question or enter the answer in the blank provided. When you are done, click the button to submit your answers and find out your score.

    1. Which statement most closely describes an EAP?
    1. A. A management tool that is pro-employee and pro-organization. 2. B. Part of the employee's benefits package. 3. C. A psychotherapy service paid for by the employer.
    1 Correct Answer: A

    2. A supervisor is not allowed to dispense a disciplinary action while an employee is being seen by the EAP, even if performance problems are continuing.
    True False
    2 Correct Answer: False

    EAPs Benefit the Entire Organization
    1. EAPs help retain employees and reduce turnover. . .It is possible that with the help of the EAP an employee who has been your most troublesome could become one of your most valued with the resolution of a personal problem.
    2. EAPs reduce risk of lawsuits. . . . Terminating employees, although sometimes necessary, can be legally risky. EAPs make it less likely that employees with performance problems will have to be terminated, thereby reducing the likelihood of legal challenges.
    3. EAPs help supervisors remain focused on performance. . . You are an expert on performance, not personal problems. An EAP makes it easier for you to do your job. EAPs also give you an alternative to tolerating poor performance, pleading with your employee to change, or figuring out how to terminate or transfer an employee.
    1. EAPs help supervisors troubleshoot difficult employee management situations. . . Employee assistance professionals have more experience than any other profession in consulting with supervisors on managing difficult employees. This experience builds into an extensive base of practical knowledge available within the EAP field.
    Quick Quiz: Benefits of EAPs
    Select the appropriate answer for each question or enter the answer in the blank provided. When you are done, click the button to submit your answers and find out your score.

    1. EAPs can reduce the risk of lawsuits by helping troubled employees resolve personal problems before they face adverse actions such as termination that can lead to expensive legal challenges.
    True False
    1 Correct Answer: True

    2. Many professionals in the workplace may consult with supervisors, but the profession founded on the basis of helping troubled employees and consulting with supervisors in managing and intervening with troubled employees is:
    1. A. Health and Wellness 2. B. Occupational Medicine 3. C. Employee Assistance 4. D. Human Resources
    2 Correct Answer: C

    How EAPs Fit into Supervision
    A supervisor referral is appropriate when your employee's performance problems continue despite your attempts to correct them in the normal process of supervision. Your employee may or may not have a personal problem, but the criteria for a supervisor referral exists --- a continuing performance problem.

    A troubled employee is an employee whose personal problems interfere with job performance -- attendance, quality of work, behavior, attitude, or availability.

    Refer employees early before problems become severe and your relationship with the employee deteriorates. Don't ignore a developing performance problem. Don't fear that your employee will be insulted by a supervisor referral to the EAP.

    1. A supervisor referral is based upon job performance issues. It is not based upon the supervisor's belief in the existence of a personal problem. A personal problem may exist, and symptoms of it may appear obvious, but the rationale for supervisor referral to the EAP is always based upon legitimate concerns of the employer -- performance problems.
    2. Some employee problems and experiences at work may meet the criteria for immediate referral to the EAP (inappropriate behavior, violation of the drug and alcohol policy, violence, sexual harassment). Others may warrant a strong suggestion of self-referral -- (being affected by a critical incident, death of a coworker, etc.).
    3. It is reasonable for a supervisor to encourage an employee to use the EAP as a self-referral if the employee discloses personal problems. This helps you avoid becoming involved in the employee's personal problems. (This is not a supervisor referral.)

    It's True!
    It's True!
    If you enable an employee with a performance problem, a personal problem may grow worse, and it may become more difficult to treat. Refer employees early before performance problems, personal problems, and your relationship with your employee grow worse.

    A supervisor referral is not a casual conversation. It is a formal step in attempting to correct performance. It includes: 1) telling your employee you are making a supervisor referral to the EAP and why; 2) communicating the nature of the performance issues to the EAP in writing; and 3) asking the employee to sign a release so you will have information about participation and follow-through with the EAP and its recommendations, not personal information.

    Quick Quiz: Self vs. Supervisor Referral
    Select the appropriate answer for each question or enter the answer in the blank provided. When you are done, click the button to submit your answers and find out your score.

    1. Your employee says she has marital problems after you confront her about coming in late and calling in sick. As a result, you recommend that she call the EAP. The attendance problems stop. However, two months later, attendance problems return.

    True or False: Your prior discussion and recommendation to use the EAP was a "supervisor referral"?

    True False
    1 Correct Answer: False

    2. Some employees have personal problems, but no performance problems. How would you respond . . . .

    Q. Your employee tells you she is having financial problems. She says if things get worse, she might have to file for bankruptcy. She has no performance problems. What would you do?

    1. A. There is no basis for a supervisor referral, so tell the employee what you would
    do if you were in her shoes.
    2. B. Suggest she visit the EAP as a self-referral, but do not discuss the problem. 3. C. Make a formal supervisor referral because a problem like this could affect job performance in the future
    2 Correct Answer: B

    Step 1: Observing of Job Performance
    Let's examine the four steps toward making a supervisor referral. The first one is observation of the employees job performance.
    Observing Performance Prior to Documentation
    Observing performance is important prior to constructing documentation. Observing performance means being alert to decline or undesirable changes in your employee's performance.
    1. The essential duties, functions, and behavioral expectations of one's position are the legitimate concern of the employer, and are typically evaluated. These include: quality of work, attendance and tardiness, conduct and appearance, attitude and demeanor, and availability to perform one's duties.
    2. Don't participate in armchair diagnosis of employees. Do not "analyze" their performance troubles to determine personal causes. Likewise, do not "rule out" a personal problem, and unwittingly decide that the EAP could not help the employee. This is a common mistake for supervisors, and it is another example of armchair diagnosis.
    3. It is okay to ask an employee what is causing a performance problem. This is not acting like an armchair diagnostician. However, it is important not to discuss the personal problem if one is disclosed.
    1. If you know your employee well, it is tempting to analyze behavior and involve yourself in his or her personal problems. This is a form of enabling, and it reduces the likelihood that your employee will use the EAP.
    It's True!
    It's True!
    High tolerance to alcohol is normal for alcoholics. They may appear sober, when in fact they are intoxicated. This leads some people to believe that a person with alcohol on their breath can drive a car or perform other functions. Follow your organization's policies, but never let an employee drive if you suspect that he or she has been drinking or using drugs. Likewise, never send an employee home alone who does not appear to be in control of his or her behavior, or has made suicidal or homicidal threats. When in doubt, ask the EAP or another designated person within your organization who handles emergencies for guidance. Or, contact the police. Know how your organization wants you to respond so you are prepared in the event of such a crisis.
    Step 2: Documenting Performance Problems
    Documenting Performance Problems
    There are important principles to follow when constructing documentation. These principles are easily forgotten or ignored by supervisors, thereby making it difficult for an organization to act on the documentation because it is problematic.

    Without effective documentation, it is also difficult to motivate troubled employees to improve their performance, and difficult to safely administer disciplinary actions without legal risk.

    1. Document discussions, encounters, actions, or steps taken with employees. Also document verbal warnings and conferences. Avoid emotional or subjective language when constructing documentation. THINK: Am I using language in my documentation that is measurable and "describes," not "interprets" unacceptable behavior?

      EXAMPLE: "The employee was irresponsible in reporting the day's financial receipts."

      BETTER: "The employee did not enter the amount of daily receipts in the ledger. This caused a delay in reporting the monthly financial performance of the work unit."

    It's True!
    It's True!
    Documentation can be tricky. You may think or feel that an employee's performance is irresponsible, dishonest, selfish, boorish, etc., but be sure to document the performance issue clearly. Stay away from emotions and judgments in your documentation in lieu of the facts. Documentation by supervisors is frequently deemed useless if it does not describe performance or behavior issues clearly, but only judges the employee's character. In the above example, the thing that can be observed is failing to enter the financial receipts. Remember, effective documentation of behavior, work outcomes, or the impact of behavior on the organization is what makes a response by the organization possible.
    Documenting Performance Problems (continued)
    1. Make documentation open and available for your employee to see. Don't keep a hidden file or secret notes. Letting the employee know what is being documented can motivate change rapidly.
    2. Record positive information about your employee when documenting job performance problems. More than likely, there are positive aspects of performance that exist. Know what they are and refer to them. This will help you appear as an objective supervisor if your documentation is ever questioned during appeals, grievances, or legal proceedings.
    An employee may transfer to another part of the organization when having difficulty with performance. The motivation may be to avoid consequences of ongoing performance problems. Transferring to another part of the organization to avoid confrontation is sometimes called "making a geographic cure." Consider whether circumstances make it appropriate or helpful to transfer documentation to the new supervisor.
    LIST OF PERFORMANCE ISSUES (Print and retain for your use.)
    1. Missed deadlines.
    2. Errors due to inattention or poor judgment.
    3. Fluctuations in performance (alternating periods of unusually high and low work output by a previously steady employee).
    4. Lapses of attention, with increased inability to concentrate. Appears not to pay attention in conversations.
    5. Occasional complaints from fellow employees or individuals outside the work unit.
    6. Elaborate excuses.
    7. Confusion and increasing difficulty in handling assignments.
    8. A high rate of accidents (personal and/or property damage) on and off the job.
    9. Blames others for job performance deficiencies.
    10. Complaints of being treated unfairly by supervisors, other employees, the work organization.
    11. Absent without annual or sick leave being available.
    12. Absence from work site without good reason, without notice, or without authorization.
    13. Excessive sick leave use ( )with ( )without medical excuses being provided next work day.
    14. Absent on Mondays and/or Fridays, before and after holidays, and the day after payday.
    15. Repeated absences for prolonged periods of time (2-4 days, etc.)
    16. Excessive tardiness.
    17. Early departure from work without notice or without permission.
    18. Long lunch hours.
    19. Elaborate, increasingly improbable, and sometimes bizarre excuses for absences or tardiness.
    20. Complaints from fellow workers about attitude, behavior, team player issues, profanity, unpredictability.
    21. Overreaction to real, or imagined criticism. Inability to accept, use, and incorporate feedback given by others.
    22. Avoidance of coworkers, isolation-type behavior, decreased communication needed for team-building and maintenance of productivity.
    23. Undependable statements. Facts later discovered do not support earlier statements given.
    24. Exaggerated work accomplishments. Inability to recognize others' contributions, opinions, feelings, needs for validation.
    25. Grandiose, aggressive, and/or belligerent behavior toward coworkers, supervisor, customers, students, parents, public.
    26. Unreasonable resentments - "people are out to get me." "There is a conspiracy against me."
    27. Uses excuses that domestic problems interfere with work, attendance, conduct on the job.
    28. Evidence of financial problems, including borrowing or attempting to borrow money from coworkers.
    29. Deterioration of hygiene and personal appearance.
    30. Apparent loss of ethical values. Demonstrates disrespect toward supervisor and coworkers.
    31. Property is damaged, lost, stolen while in possession or being watched or guarded by employee.
    32. Excessive personal phone calls or use of a cell phone, or a pager going off while at work.
    33. Mood swings during the day.
    34. Mood swings from one day to the next. Unwillingness to "pitch in" and help out coworkers.
    35. Complaints of not feeling well to the exclusion of duties.
    36. Claims of getting help for various personal problems without improving job performance, attendance, or attitude.
    37. Inappropriate requests for outstanding recognition of mediocre job performance.
    38. Excessive apologizing for work, attendance problems, etc., without correcting problematic behavior.
    39. Refusal to follow reasonable instructions of work supervisor.
    40. Complaints of sexual harassment or other types of offensive behavior from coworkers/visitors/customers.
    41. Disparaging remarks, jokes, and humor of an ethnic or racial nature.
    42. Use of profanity on the job that is offensive to coworkers.

    Step 3: Confronting Your Employee
    Place a short summary of this chapter's topics here.
    Constructive Confrontation: Helping Your Employee Succeed
    Ideally, meeting with your employee and discussing performance problems leads to self-correction. However, when a chronic personal problem contributes to performance problems, it is more likely that self-correction will last only a few days or weeks spurred by a renewed sense of self-control that follows a confrontation with the supervisor.

    Sometimes troubled employees confronted with performance shortcomings get help for personal problems immediately and you may not know it. Others try harder to use willpower, or remain in denial that a personal problem is causing their performance problems. These employees may eventually need a supervisor referral to the EAP before they can be helped. Some will not seek help until motivated by the possibility or certainty of disciplinary action.

    An employee does not have to "want help" before a referral to the EAP can work. The requirement of "wanting" help first, before one can be helped, is a myth about the helping process.

    Steps in confrontation. (Note: If your employee is a member of a labor organization/bargaining unit, consider whether circumstances require by agreement that you have a business representative, shop steward, or union official present when meeting with your employee.)

    1. Be direct and formal in your discussion with your employee. Ask why performance problems are continuing, and what the employee believes is wrong. If personal, recommend the EAP. If work-related, consider an appropriate intervention or response.
    2. Confronting your employee immediately after a performance-related incident is helpful in reducing denial and facilitating a constructive meeting that will motivate your employee.
    3. State your observations and use your documentation (which should not be a surprise to the employee) in your corrective interview.
    4. Make an agreement with your employee that specifies "what" and "when" improvements in performance will be forthcoming. Schedule a date for a follow-up meeting.
    Quick Quiz: Constructive Confrontation
    Select the appropriate answer for each question or enter the answer in the blank provided. When you are done, click the button to submit your answers and find out your score.

    1. TRUE or FALSE: Your employee has a problem with absenteeism. When confronted, he says he will seek help from the EAP. A month later the absences continue. At this point, there is no need to make a supervisor referral because the employee has already gone.
    True False
    1 Correct Answer: False

    2. Which one of these interactions with a troubled employee would most likely be perceived as serious and motivate change?
    1. A. A confrontation with the employee by telephone when he or she calls in with
    an excuse for being late.
    2. B. A structured and formal meeting with the employee in a quiet place,
    such as an office.
    3. C. A stern warning in the hallway by the supervisor immediately after the incident.
    2 Correct Answer: B

    Outline for a Corrective Letter (Print and retain for your future reference.)
    (These are guidelines. Consult your company's policies and the EAP.)
    1. Statement of specific concern about job performance problem: quality of work, attendance/ availability, conduct/behavior. Include specifics: what happened, when, dates, times, etc.

    2. Remind employee about prior conversations or discussions concerning performance issues, and when these occurred.

    3. Statement of specific negative impact or consequences for the performance problem(s) stated in #1.

    4. Statement of what changes are required and when these changes should occur.

    5. Statement of possible consequences, administrative actions, or disciplinary steps if problems continue.

    6. Statement asking employee to speak with you as soon as possible if needed to clarify anything in corrective memo relative to changes requested in paragraph #3.

    7. Statement of support and value. Mention positive performance elements of employee (what is done well, skills, etc.) but emphasize need for change. Mention resources available to help employee with correcting problem, if applicable.

    8. Statement recommending employee contact the EAP based upon the job performance problem(s) in case a personal problem of some type is contributing to the performance problems. DO NOT ALLUDE TO YOUR BELIEFS ABOUT THE EXISTENCE OF A PERSONAL PROBLEM. An EAP referral by the supervisor is never based upon what the supervisor believes or thinks about an employee's personal problem, but the performance issues. Insert in your letter the name of the EA professional to whom you spoke and his or her phone number. This will make it easier for the employee to follow through.

    9. Supervisor’s plan for follow-up. Provide date when this will occur. Be specific about when you will speak with the employee again to see how things are going.

    10. Thank the employee for his or her attention to the matter and end on a positive note.

    11. Send a copy to the next level supervisor, as necessary. Send or fax a copy to the EAP.
    Step 4: Referral: What to Say, and How to Say It
    Place a short summary of this chapter's topics here.
    Referral to the EAP
    If possible, consult with the EAP prior to making a supervisor referral, and provide the EAP with written information about the performance issues. This helps the EAP conduct a more effective assessment. Without written information, the EA professional must rely upon the employee's report of job performance problems, or recall what you have said about the performance issues at the time of a telephone consult. When this happens, EAP interviews with an employee may be less effective because the employee is not forthcoming about his or her problems.
    1. Tell your employee that you are making a supervisor referral to the EAP, and that you are basing the referral on performance problems. Be specific, tell your employee that you have made the EAP aware of the performance issues.
    2. Reference your documentation and past discussions with your employee. These should not be a surprise. Appear supportive, not angry. Act hopeful, not cynical.
    3. Remind the employee that the EAP is confidential. Ask your employee to sign a release so the EAP can confirm participation and follow-through with its recommendations. Tell the employee that the EAP will not provide personal information. Ask the employee if he or she will accept the referral.
    1. Let the employee know that participation in an EAP cannot result in loss of promotional opportunities or jeopardize one's job security.
    1. If your employee does not accept an EAP referral, remind the employee that he or she could be subject to disciplinary action if performance problems continue. Do not threaten disciplinary action you will not or cannot carry out.
    It's True!
    It's True!
    Do not discuss the referral of your employee with others, especially coworkers. Although your supervisor or manager may be aware of the referral, you must be cautious about improper disclosure of your employee's personal information. Do not place information in a personnel file about the employee's participation in the EAP that can remain there for others to see. These actions can contribute to the perception that the EAP is not a safe source of help.
    After referring your employee, expect the EAP to confirm your employee's attendance and agreement to follow through with its recommendations. Do not expect to receive personal information about your employee. If the EAP does not call you, then you should call the EAP. If the EAP cannot communicate with you about your employee, the employee may not have gone to the EAP, or may not have signed a release. Continue to focus on job performance and act accordingly. Do not become frustrated with the EAP, or believe your "hands are tied" and that you can't act.
    Motivating Employees to Accept Help with
    Performance-based Intervention
    (Consider this approach only in coordination with the EAP and your human resources specialist.)
    If performance problems have continued, and your employee has never accepted a supervisor referral to the EAP, you may eventually decide to dispense a disciplinary action. At this point, more leverage exists to motivate your employee to accept the supervisor referral than ever before. This is particularly true if the disciplinary action is termination.


    1. Meet with your employee and discuss the performance problems. Tell your employee that you have decided to dispense a disciplinary action (if warranted, and appropriate for the behavior or performance problems.)

    2. Tell the employee, however that you are willing to accommodate him or her by holding the disciplinary action in abeyance, and permitting the employee to seek help at the EAP if he or she thinks that would be helpful. Otherwise, you will pursue the disciplinary action right away.

    3. If termination is warranted, this intervention technique is powerful and will produce a great sense of urgency for your employee. Most employees will accept a referral instead of a disciplinary action, especially termination.

    4. If your employee agrees to an EAP referral, contract to have him or her sign a release of information to permit the EAP to verify attendance and participation in its recommendation.

    This technique, called Performance-based Intervention, can salvage the most difficult and troubled employees, even those with severe personal problems including alcoholism and drug addiction.

    Quick Quiz: Making a Referral
    Select the appropriate answer for each question or enter the answer in the blank provided. When you are done, click the button to submit your answers and find out your score.

    1. If you refer an employee to the EAP, but do not consult with the EA professional and do not provide written information concerning performance problems, all of the following are likely to happen EXCEPT:
    1. A. The employee will be completely accurate and forthcoming about performance problems. 2. B. The employee will deny significant performance problems and argue that the
    problem is really with you.
    3. C. The EAP will probe the employee for information, but the employee will deny problems. 4. D. The employee will say, "My supervisor said I had to come to the EAP, but I don't know why."
    1 Correct Answer: A

    2. TRUE OR FALSE: If the employee is referred to the EAP, but refuses to sign a release, the supervisor will be in the dark, confused, and not know what to do if job problems continue.
    True False
    2 Correct Answer: False

    Monitoring Your Employee After an EAP Referral
    Place a short summary of this chapter's topics here.
    After the Referral: Monitoring Your Employee's Performance
    Monitoring your employee after making a referral to the EAP reinforces progress in improving performance. It also helps your employee remain motivated and participate in treatment or counseling recommended by the EAP.

    Consider the following steps in monitoring your employee's progress after making a referral to the EAP:

    1. Decide upon a date and time to meet and discuss progress in improving performance. Do not discuss the employee's personal issues. Arranging several follow-up dates and times in the future provides a constructive sense of urgency for your employee to follow through with the EAP's recommendations and improve performance.
    2. Expect the EAP to call you if your employee misses follow-up appointments or stops following through with its recommendations. Missing EAP appointments and failing to follow treatment recommendations usually precedes a return to job performance problems.
    3. If performance problems return, notify the EAP. Consider what disciplinary or administrative actions are appropriate in response to a return to unsatisfactory performance. Is the general trend toward improvement? Consider the answer to this question in your decision.
    1. Praise your employee for improving performance, but be mindful of any return of performance problems.
    It's True!
    It's True!
    If your employee was treated for alcoholism or an addictive disease, you may be aware of it. Remember that a relapse (a return to drinking or using drugs) is possible. Relapse does not mean failure, but intervention must be quick and certain. Few persons with long-term sobriety achieved it without a relapse along the way. A referral back to the EAP is necessary in the event of relapse or a return to performance problems.

    Refer to your organization's policies or agreement with your employee, if one was produced at the time of referral to the EAP or treatment. If in doubt about what to do, note the general trend in improvement of your employee's performance. Don't forget to ask for help, either from the EAP, or your HR representative.

    Last Quiz: Monitoring Your Employee After an EAP Referral
    Select the appropriate answer for each question or enter the answer in the blank provided. When you are done, click the button to submit your answers and find out your score.

    1. TRUE or FALSE: Meeting with an employee after referral to the EAP, and planning specific dates and times for other follow-up meetings is a powerful way of helping an employee feel a constructive sense of urgency to follow-through with the EAPs recommendations and reduce the likelihood of a return to performance problems.
    True False
    1 Correct Answer: True

    2. You are angry with your employee and upset about her continued absenteeism and problematic behavior on the job. You decide to refer your employee to the EAP. Unfortunately the employee does not go after agreeing to do so. How should you respond?
    1. A. Do not let your employee off the hook without a consequence. Give the
    disciplinary action you originally planned.
    2. B. Continue to monitor job performance, and respond if performance problems
    3. C. Decide that the EAP doesn't work, and forget about future use of the EAP.
    2 Correct Answer: B

    Frequently Asked Questions
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    Contact/Help Information
    The following are links to resources where you can get help and more information on the topics discussed in this course: