Quick Quiz: Constructive Confrontation
Select the appropriate answer for each question or enter the answer in the blank provided. When you are done, click the button to submit your answers and find out your score.

1. TRUE or FALSE: Your employee has a problem with absenteeism. When confronted, he says he will seek help from the EAP. A month later the absences continue. At this point, there is no need to make a supervisor referral because the employee has already gone.
True False
2. Which one of these interactions with a troubled employee would most likely be perceived as serious and motivate change?
1. A. A confrontation with the employee by telephone when he or she calls in with
an excuse for being late.
2. B. A structured and formal meeting with the employee in a quiet place,
such as an office.
3. C. A stern warning in the hallway by the supervisor immediately after the incident.
