DOT Supervisor Training | Mandatory Compliance | Requirements Training
DOT Supervisor Training | Mandatory Compliance
"This DOT supervisor training program in drug and alcohol awareness was easy for me to modify to meet my needs and had exactly what I was looking for. I needed to develop a course quickly, but I didn't want to kill myself doing it. The content was well developed and broad enough that I could adjust the run time by dropping a few slides rather than having to add slides to make it longer. Thanks!"

Cliff McPherson,
Panhandle Energy,
Houston, TX
DOT Supervisor Training | Mandatory Compliance
 DOT Supervisor Compliance Training in Mandatory Drug and Alcohol Awareness for Supervisors Requirements

(Web Course, DVD, PowerPoint, and Flash Movie Formats)
These course contains:
  • One Hour Alcohol & One Hour Drug Information/Content
  • Professional Narration with Printable Handouts/Checklists
  • 35 Questions with answer-check and feedback and correction capability. Train and document that all learners achieved 100%.
  • Your policy, procedures, referral form inserted into the web course format (optional).
  • Imprinted Certificate of Training with name, score, date, and time stamp of training.
  • Five different available formats. Choose to match your DOT supervisor training needs. Get a 50% discount on second added format.
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DOT DVD of Reasonable Suspicion Training
Daniel A. Feerst, LISW-CP

Dot Training Requirements 

These training courses may include teaching about the dangerous of drug and alcohol abuse by employees in the work place or maintaining safety requirements when working with hazardous materials, otherwise known as hazmat training.  It is essential to teach employees and supervisors how to properly handle hazardous materials since we are a nation that thrives on the use of paints, fibers, and natural gas.  We use chemicals to clean our kitchens or keep our pools clean and these materials have to be shipped from one location to another.

In order to keep employees safe, most human errors occur because of workers not knowing how to properly handle, ship, stock, and load hazardous materials.  There are also employees that reported that they did not know what to do in the event of an incident.  Training corrects this lack of knowledge.

DOT Training courses online offer a combination of effective teaching methods ranging from computer based models, videos, handouts, exercises, quizzes, and tests.  An instructor grades the quizzes and tests to determine whether a person is eligible of transporting hazardous materials.  Training requirements can be taken many ways.

Even your employer can offer you hazmat training if you are interested in transporting hazardous materials.  Most drivers are paid more to transport hazardous materials and therefore, many drivers will benefit from this training.

They are developed by the Department of Transportation's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA).  Learning about the HMR will allow drivers and employers to learn the proper way to package, store, load, and ship hazardous materials in order to heighten the safety of employees working around these materials.

The employee must be familiar with the various classification developed by the HMR as well as HMR mandated requirements, and specified information that is developed for specific types of hazardous material or hazardous incidents.

Watch a brief overview video of DOT Requirements for Training Supervisors


DOT Supervisor Mandatory Training: Importance of DOT Supervisor Training

Individuals that take on the role of supervising drivers that are a part of the DOT (Department of Transportation) have a lot of responsibility in their lap.  As part of DOT supervisor training, these individuals must complete a two-hour training course, which can easily be done online.  The purpose of Supervisor Mandatory Training skills is to spot possible alcohol or drug misuse.  Proper training also teaches supervisors techniques on how to handle an employee that is decidedly argumentative, which is common in any workplace.  Therefore, it is likely that as a supervisor, you will come across situations that are difficult and uncomfortable.

As a supervisor, you must be willing to take on a role that is both authoritative and supportive.  You want to offer support to your employees when they need it yet you want to be able to approach them in the event of reasonable suspicion, you should be take the reasonable suspicion training course.  DOT supervisor mandatory training makes it easy for you to accomplish this feat.  Training courses also help you identify indicators of drug and alcohol abuse among your employees.  The most important thing about taking a course is that as a supervisor, you will also learn what signs to look for in the event that an individual is unfit for the position.

It is important to have good people on your team that are responsible and willing to do the tasks set before them.  A drive that has problems with drugs and alcohol can risk his or her own life as well as the life of others.  That is why it is so important for Reasonable Suspicion Training for Supervisors to be able to spot the signs of drug and alcohol abuse before they become a problem.  However, in order to make sure that a supervisor is able to do this, DOT supervisor training is required.

DOT Supervisor Mandatory Training offers real life situations so that the supervisor knows exactly what to do should he find himself in a situation involving a non-compliant employee.  Rather than just reading and taking quizzes on what to do, real life training scenarios teach the supervisor how to react and what to say.  It may seem like an easy task but when faced with an employee that is abusing drugs and alcohol, the situation can become unfavorably negative in many ways.  Training courses allow the supervisor to experience what a real situation may be like.  A prime example would be a non-compliant employee that refuses to be tested.


Do your supervisors know how to identify alcohol and drug abusers within your employee population? Would they know the appropriate steps to take should a substance abuser be discovered?

Promoting an alcohol and drug free work place is essential for optimal productivity, safety, and overall corporate wellness, but few know how to make this happen. Protect your organization by providing your supervisors with DOT online training from WorkExcel.  

DOT Online Training: The Right Choice for Your Company  

Much like any task, your supervisors need the right tools to properly promote an alcohol and drug free work place. That’s where DOT compliance training online comes in! WorkExcel’s program turns what can be a complex, touchy subject into an easily understandable, frank discussion about drug and alcohol problems. Your supervisors will come away knowing how to leverage this information in the workplace, which leads to a better work environment for all. 

DOT online training will help your supervisors identify substance abusers regardless of how subtle the clues may be. The training program will also empower your staff to take the necessary steps towards helping employees suffering with drug or alcohol problems.

Provide Every Supervisor with DOT Compliance Training Online  

Your company is not doing everything it can to provide employees with a drug and alcohol free environment unless every supervisor has completed DOT compliance training online. Every supervisor must know how to identify the signs of substance abuse to ensure no employees are slipping through the cracks, making your business less productive with their drug or alcohol problems.

The longer an employee’s substance abuse problem goes unnoticed, the longer your company will not be running at peak performance. Left unchecked, substance abuse leads to safety hazards, lower productivity, added stress, and resentment. Providing every supervisor with DOT online training is not a luxury, it’s a must!

Advantages of DOT Compliance Training Online

Simply put, DOT online training is convenient. Even the busiest, hardest to reach supervisors will be on their way to understanding how drug and alcohol problems present themselves in the workplace.  One of the biggest advantages of having your supervisors complete DOT compliance training online is that their training can be completed anytime, anywhere.  With WorkExcel’s online program, your supervisors will have 24-7 access to the most current workplace drug and alcohol training available.

No preliminary study or preparation is required for DOT compliance training online. Just tell your staff where they can find the material online, and within minutes they will be on their way to recognizing substance abusers and having the confidence and knowledge to correctly address the issue.

Key Mistakes Companies Make with DOT Compliance Training Online

Not all DOT online training programs were created equally. While completing DOT compliance training online is the most convenient way to reach all of your supervisors, the program must meet all of your company’s specific needs. Most training programs on the market today do not offer a customizable program, and if customization is offered, the price point makes it not affordable. This leaves many companies with either a program that doesn’t provide everything they need or one that cost them an arm and a leg. Choose your training program wisely!

What makes WorkExcel Different than other DOT Compliance Training Online Programs?

Companies never have to compromise when they choose WorkExcel for their DOT compliance training online needs. Besides being an industry leader whose DOT online training program is used across industries in large and small corporations throughout the United States, WorkExcel provides a low-cost, high-quality, customizable training experience. WorkExcel’s online training is completely self-contained. You will have the option of having your handouts inserted into the DOT online training as printable PDFs.  All of the materials provided by WorkExcel have been time-tested and will provide your supervisors with relevant, usable information on drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace.  

Key Features of WorkExcel DOT Online Training Program

WorkExcel’s  DOT compliance training online program comes complete with printable handouts, test questions, and  Certificates of Completion. The WorkExcel program includes information on: addictive diseases, common supervisor myths, personal problems as symptoms, dollars and “sense” of intervention, understanding tolerance and enabling, performance signs of substance abuse, constructive confrontation of problem behavior, follow-up with employees, and much more. After completing the WorkExcel DOT compliance training online, your supervisors will be ready and able to identify potential substance abusers and take appropriate action.

Get Started Today with DOT Online Training

WorkExcel has worked for years to develop and fine tune its program and is ready to help you with your company’s DOT online training needs today! We are so confident that you will find our program to be the perfect tool for training your supervisors in substance abuse, that we offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If our program does not perform and exceed your expectations in every respect, your payment will be

DOT Compliance Training Online Programs - Exhibit A - Printable Handout

DOT Compliance Training Online Programs - Exhibit B - Certificate of Completion

DOT Compliance Training Online Programs - Exhibit C - Ten Excuses Section Helps Supervisors

DOT Compliance Training Online Programs - Exhibit D - Link to Purchase

DOT Compliance Training Online Program - 60 Day Preview/CD

DOT Supervisor Training Class for Alcohol and Drug Awareness

Let’s discuss getting trained online in DOT Supervisor Training Class for Alcohol and Drug Awareness. Alcohol and drug use can be a bigger, yet subtler problem for your company than you think! Those who suffer with addiction to alcohol and drugs can decrease workplace productivity and moral and create an unsafe environment for all involved. Worse still, their destructive habits can fly under the radar for years!

As a supervisor, you need to accurately identity substances abusers. Don’t just try to get trained in a DOT online training class for “the record”. Really study the material because lives could be at stake.

Go the Extra Step with DOT Supervisor Training

If you need to meet DOT compliance or other employer training mandates for substance abuse education or just want to go the extra step in promoting a drug free workplace, then using a DOT supervisory training course that helps you retain the information is critical. You’ll need to find the right program that provides accurate, up-to-date information and fits with your company’s polices.  But it should also have handouts you can print, sound you can listen to, and test questions that explain right and wrong answers. Of course a certificate of completion with your name on it is essential.

Not all DOT Supervisor Training Is Equal

While investigating DOT supervisor training courses, you’ll come to find out that not all classes are created equally. Some customized options are too expensive while other less expensive options aren’t flexible enough. Many are inconvenient and some seem to be put together with little expertise. With many courses you can tell a “freelance” writer wrote the content, not an experienced pro.

DOT Training Supervisor Can Be Low Cost

Industry experts have worked for years to develop and fine tune the many drug alcohol course outlines for online DOT training. Many are low-cost, high-quality programs used by large and small businesses nationwide to fulfill DOT compliance requirements and other employer substance abuse training mandates. Use the link above this paragraph to have a program free preview sent to you.

Simply look for an uncomplicated style that is easy to understand. You will discover more comfort and control with your employees with the necessary tools to deal with substance abuse problems in the workplace. These are education and motivation to confront abusers without being intimidated.

Find a DOT Supervisor Training with Everything You Need

Find an online supervisor DOT supervisor training class that is complete with printable handouts and worksheets for quick review later on, test questions with in-depth explanations, and a Certificate of Completion. It is also customizable to your organization’s needs. For instance make sure you can get your logo on the front page image.  

So, You Only Need One DOT  Supervisor Training Class?

If you need training for up to five supervisors, then a drug alcohol course online DOT one class option is the program for your company. Do not spend extra money on a company-wide program if you don’t need it.

But if you do need a company-wide program to training continuously as supervisors come and go, then you want a one flat rate program that goes on your website.  No fees. No subscriptions. No extra costs.

The DOT Supervisor Training Course Online DOT

If the drug alcohol course online DOT you choose isn’t convenient, you aren’t going to get the maximum benefits out of the program. Provide training for even the most remote supervisor by giving them access to an online program.

Online DOT supervisor training courses can be accessed anytime, anywhere by employee signing on to your web site. If you are not paying ridiculous subscription fees, you will have no additional costs, no matter how many supervisors you train.

Hint: If training is interrupted, you want a course can be saved so the supervisor can return to where they (you) left off at a later time.