TIP 9: (Continued)
  1. There are strong links between change and stress. Even if change doesn't take you by surprise, self-defeating emotions can set in. You may feel hostility, resentment and cynicism. As more organizations shift course with increasing speed and frequency, supervisors (along with employees at other levels) lack the necessary time to adjust and accept the new status quo.

  2. There are four stages to deal with change: denial, resistance, acceptance, commitment. The EAP can help you transition through these stages-the first two are characterized by particularly intense stress.

    1. Keep a positive outlook, especially in how you communicate change to your staff. Explain the reasons for it and seek their input. It's fine to mention that you disagree with certain aspects of the change, but don't lambaste it entirely. Regardless of what happens next, you will want to maintain good terms with your employer and not emerge as an outspoken malcontent.

    2. If possible, frame the situation as having a positive impact on employees' pay, benefits, security and work environment. Example: Explain how new technology or processes will change how employees do their jobs for the better by giving them more control and flexibility. That's better than citing the increased efficiency and cost savings that drove the organization to enact the change.