TIP 1: (Continued)
  1. The best stress-relieving approach is to monitor the situation without intervening. In most cases, you cannot bring about lasting peace simply by demanding it. Combatants need to determine for themselves how to get along. As long as you hold them accountable for performing their jobs effectively without disrupting the workplace, then time may heal their wounds.

  2. In some instances, however, a dispute can easily engulf your whole unit and you cannot remain on the sidelines.


    1. Aggressive, spiteful bullying with the potential for a physical altercation;

    2. Angry accusations of prejudice or harassment; or

    3. Slander against you, your bosses or the organization.

    4. If you must intervene, interview combatants together in your office without a table. Sit between them so that you serve as a physical barrier if they threaten to become belligerent.

    5. Instruct them to talk to you, not each other. If they violate that rule, interrupt immediately to draw their attention back to you. Maintain a neutral facial expression the whole time.

    6. Express faith in people to work together. Snide cracks such as, "Why do I have to get stuck supervising the two of you!" will not help you alleviate your stress or resolve their conflict.