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Special Report #1: 37 Uniquely Powerful EAP Utilization Booster Tips (Value $37) Free for new Toolbox Subscribers
How important is EAP utilization to you? Answer: It's your life! When I worked in my last EAP position, we went nuts coming up with ideas for increasing EAP utilization. Let me tell you, the ideas helped keep our EAP funded! I stuck the best of the best into this special report. Don't worry, you won't be scratching your head anymore about how to increase EAP utilization once you get your hands on this document. Instead, you will be wondering how to schedule the clients!

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Dan Feerst, MSW, LISW is publisher of the Web site and general manager of DFA Publishing & Consulting, LLC. Dan Feerst began his employee assistance career in 1978 as a Social Science Officer for the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, Occupational Alcoholism Program in Langley, VA, and since then has served as a staff member or director for some of America's most well-known Employee Assistance and Counseling Programs, including the Kennecott Copper INSIGHT Employee Assistance Program, the U.S. Department of Agriculture 22 Agency EAP Consortium, and Arlington County Government and Public Schools EAP in Arlington, VA. He has consulted with hundreds of small businesses on helping employees, intervening with troubled employees, and developing alcohol and drug-policies. Dan Feerst speaks nationally and regionally, and has published extensively in employee assistance. He was credited with the intervention model recommended for insertion in the U.S. Small Business Administration's Drug-Free Workplace Kit for Small Businesses by the Corporation Against Drug Abuse, a grantee of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Dan Feerst also consults on the subject of small business alcoholism/drug addiction intervention and training families in the practical approach to non-facilitated, family intervention. Dan Feerst is one most widely read EAP authors in the United States with millions of employees and nearly 100,000 supervisors reading his materials monthly. He is the author and founding publisher of WorkLife ExcelŽ newsletter, the official work-life newsletter read by 12,000 employees of the U.S. Congress. You can reach Dan Feerst at His phone number is 1-800-626-4327.