creating an employee newsletter easy, edit, reproduce, buy now
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Easy Newsletter Content Monthly
MS Word Text or Turn-Key Ready!
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A Customizable, Editable
Employee Newsletter
with Health, Wellness, and Productivity
Articles for Employees and Family Members

One Flat Fee as Low as $495 Per Year!

Comes Monthly in MS Word, MS Publisher,
Text Only, or a PDF
. Two Pages of Punchy Articles.

This powerful, effective, and topical employee newsletter is a fantastic way of helping employees, without lifting a finger!

Stop burning the midnight oil! End procrastination. Stop hating your job. Here's the best way to get your employee newsletter done, finished, and out the door!

Don't Wait, Order a Free Trial Right Now

-- Get FrontLine Employee!

Dear Workplace Professional,

It's over--finally. Your pain and the frustration of drumming up employee newsletter articles, content, and ideas is gone.

My name is Dan Feerst. I am an employee newsletter writer, employee assistance professional (EAP), and a licensed clinical social worker who has specialized in workplace issues for over 25 years.

I once produced a monthly employee newsletter for a large county government and school system for many years. It consumed so much of my time that I couldn't get my other work done.

Thinking about content each month; writing the articles; getting them proofed, printed, and distributed and then starting all over again the following month was a drag.

My newsletter production drudgery had to stop before I started hating my job. Well, it did stop. I solved my problem and thousands of companies have benefited from my personal discovery ever since.

I know you are experiencing the same frustrations.

The Best Employee Newsletter Solution, and How It Benefits You

HERE'S WHAT HAPPENED: I decided to write my organization's employee newsletter on my own time and give it to my employer for free. But in return, I would offer it as a solution to work organizations like yours.

Thankfully, my employer agreed.

My boss got what she wanted, and I was able to create a newsletter solution for people like you pulling their hair out producing a company newsletter.

The result. People like yourself could finally get out of what I call "newsletter prison." Starting now, you will never have to dig up content again or be forced to purchase a canned newsletter with content you can't control.

Welcome to FrontLine Employee

FrontLine Employee is e-mailed directly to you on time, ready to distribute in any format you desire, including straight text.

You can title the newsletter or change the copy any way you desire.
  • It’s e-mailed on time, ready to distribute.
  • It’s your newsletter with your title.
  • You can change or alter any content.
  • You can insert your own articles and pictures.
  • You can copy and distribute it to all employees.
  • You can create a PDF and e-mail it internally.
  • You can put it on a password protected Web site.
  • There is no “linking” to my web site to access it.
  • And, you can contribute article ideas to future issues I write.

Today, thousands of companies get FrontLine Employee, with nearly five million employees reading it.

And FrontLine Employee is available in Spanish at a discount.

Here’s How It Works

Each month, FrontLine Employee comes in an e-mail attachment. No downloading or linking to my Web site or me marketing my company with little sneaky messages in your newsletter.

You won’t have my copyright at the bottom of your newsletter. FrontLine Employee is as seamless as it gets.

FrontLine Employee arrives about 7 days before the first of the month. Relax, because you will have plenty of time to distribute it. You also get a hard copy mailed to you if you want it.

Your newsletter is ready to go. If you wish, you can have your own unique nameplate with your logo created by my professional graphics artist. You can even change the name of the newsletter to one you like better.

No Other Newsletter Offers These Unique Features

Your newsletter is sent to you in MS Word, MS Publisher™, or as a PDF. These are the most common and popular software programs on the planet.

Just remember, FrontLine Employee is ready to go. There is nothing you have to do unless you want to add your own content or edit articles to meet your precise needs.

Here’s the key point: Everything — text, graphics, pictures — even the name of the publication — is subject to change by you! It’s two pages, not four. That’s because I discovered the hard way a long time ago that employees don’t read four-page employee newsletters. They don't want them. They're too long.

You need frequency, not quantity to communicate information effectively. That is another secret to helping employees with self-improvement. Quarterly newsletters can’t accomplish change in the same way shorter, more frequent newsletters do.

Of course, monthly is just my suggestion. You can still control frequency with FrontLine Employee and use the content any way you wish. For some subscribers, one subscription lasts them two to three years because they use it quarterly.

I use my experience to generate powerful and meaningful content for your business organization. No trivia, recipes, pulled quotes, long-winded articles, or space-filling cartoons.

You will get short, powerful, meaningful, punchy, easy-to-read articles that help employees, reduce behavioral risk and have a positive effect on morale.

I write with the idea of increasing your employees' morale, reducing their stress, and making their lives at work and home more meaningful.

I even encourage them to get help for personal problems that negatively affect productivity and this increases the use of your organization's employee assistance program (EAP) if you have one.

You and I -- We Team Together

You need to know that I have the qualifications under my belt to produce a great newsletter, but I also have something that you don’t have — time to write it!

Here's a fast summary of who I am:

► I am a licensed mental health professional with both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in social work. I specialized in employee assistance programs in both degrees. My first job was with a major federal government EAP, and many large and small EAPs following that.

► My career has spanned 25 years, and I am still consulting, offering advice even to nationally known employee assistance program experts.

I am the sole author of the work-life newsletter of the U.S. Congress given to its 12,000 employees. Ditto with the U.S. Small Business Administration, and the U.S. Air Force Academy.

I didn’t go to these work organizations, by the way. They came to me. You can take that as a guarantee that I will work hard for you too.

What’s in FrontLine Employee Articles?

During the year, FrontLine Employee focuses on 12 major topics, shown below. I identified these topics over the past 25 years as keys to business and employee productivity:
  1. Improving Coworker Relationships
  2. On-the-job Worker Productivity Tips
  3. Balancing Work, Family, Home, and Community
  4. Improving Personal Fitness and Effectiveness
  5. Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment
  6. Team Building
  7. Hot Work-Life Topics in the News
  8. Stress Management Tips
  9. Improving the Relationship with Your Supervisor
  10. Workplace Safety and Injury Prevention
  11. Customer Service

There’s More ...

When you subscribe to FrontLine Employee, there is a “subscriber’s hot line” button on my Web site. Use it to suggest topics you want me to consider — topics that reflect key concerns among your customers.

These suggestions get strong consideration in my editorial lineup. I want your ideas, because if they are important to you, then other subscribers probably have the same concerns. What better way is there to meet your needs?

For example, if employees are worried about downsizing, I will write an article about coping with uncertainty and facing the future of potential job loss, etc. So, send your ideas anytime!

I Am as Close as Your Phone

I know this is hard to believe, but when you subscribe to FrontLine Employee, I am only a toll-free phone call away. I am known for delivering one-on-one, great customer service.

I am not part of some big massive company. I work with only a small virtual staff. I will help you make the most of FrontLine Employee, answer questions, and give you tips to maximize its power. Yes, you will be able to call and speak to me personally.

I love talking to subscribers, and my phone answers 24 hours a day. You can always call me, at 1-800-626-4327, and leave a message, if necessary. But more often, I might be working late and answer the phone.

I hope you are excited about FrontLine Employee, but here is the real kicker: If the situation is urgent, you can e-mail me for a replacement article on a specific topic.

I might have what you need. After all, I have written nearly two thousand articles. You will only need to paste it into its assigned location in the template.

I hope you are getting a feel for how truly unique FrontLine Employee is and how it can change your life. But, get this...

When you subscribe to FrontLine Employee, I will send you a 32 minute, $595 stress management program DVD for your employees. Use it in the break room or pass it around. This program is produced from a Power Point Program with sound and narration. It offers employees over 50 powerful techniques and hot tips for managing stress.

******* No Quibbles Money-Back Guarantee*******

I guarantee that your employees will love FrontLine Employee starting with the first issue and that it will dissolve your newsletter-writing stress forever.

If at any time during the next year you decide that FrontLine Employee is not everything I promised, or if for any reason you wish to cancel, I will refund your entire payment--every cent. No quibbles. No hassles.

Once you see what FrontLine Employee does for you and your employees, I believe that you will never cancel.

There is a shopping cart below. Use it to subscribe now. I will give you 14 issues instead of 12. For faster service, just call me with your ordering instructions. I am probably at my phone. Phone 1-800-626-4327 to get started.

Yours truly,
Daniel A. Feerst, LISW-CP
Licensed Independent Social Worker, Clinical Practice
P.S. Remember, DON'T FORGET THE STRESS MANAGEMENT DVD GIFT! It's yours, even if you cancel later! No cost. No obligation.

Look at These Testimonials I Keep Collecting

About FrontLine Employee Newsletter

"We value our relationship with you and really like the newsletters."

Debra Ontiveros, Director
El Paso, TX

"Aloha, Dan – I sent out the February Frontline Employee yesterday and got a call today thanking me for the excellent articles. She wanted to know more information on one of the stories – the Pennsylvania weight loss study – and I was able to Google the information and send her the links, but she was very thankful for the information!! Thanks for helping us look good once again!"

David Mitchell

Child and Family Service - Hawaii

Honolulu, Hawaii

"By the way, emailing these newsletters is GREAT. So easy to edit, turnaround, and send. Thanks for your help. Happy Thanksgiving."

Sue Kerner,
Southern New Hampshire Medical Center
Nashua, New Hampshire


"We enjoy your articles each month and I thank you. I can't say enough about the two FrontLine publications we subscribe to. We are a small company who is a provider of EAP services to small and medium companies."

Marylee Nunley, V.P. of Operations
Resource Management Services
Peoria, Illinois


"The newsletter is a great hit with our EAP companies and their employees."

Sylvia Darlington
Network Services Centre
Michael, Barbados


"By the way, I am thrilled with the FrontLine newsletters. Excellent resource for both my supervisors and employees. Happy Thanksgiving."

Elizabeth Robinson
University of Connecticut
Farmington, CT


"After downsizing, right-sizing, or whatever, I now provide direct services to over 10,000 employees with no other EAP staff. FrontLine Employee (and FrontLine Supervisor) enable me to have some type of newsletter. It is a most valuable tool."

Ken Seaton, Civilian Employee Assistance Program Administrator
Puget Sound Naval Shipyard
Bremerton, Washington


"This month, October '01, your two newsletters were right on target. The FrontLine Supervisor addressed the specific issues I have been helping my customers and clients with the past month. A great reinforcement."

Keith Crochiere, Co-owner
EAP Network
Taunton, Massachusetts

"I am always one to share good products with other peoples in our Native communities and beyond. By doing so, it permits One Feather EAP as a nationwide EAP provider to serve our contracts in good ways. As an integrated piece of our programming, EAP products have been very useful to the employees, Tribes, Nations, and communities we work with and for."

Rodney Haring, Ph.D., LMSW (enrolled Seneca)
One Feather Consulting, LLC


"A great resource, especially when you need to work out a newsletter in a hurry!"

Bud Wassell
Solutions, Inc
Meriden, Connecticut


"The FrontLine Employee has been a big success for the promotion of the EAP. I have received several phone calls from employees to the EAP asking questions about the information. Keep up the good work!"

Employee Wellness Associates
Green Bay, Wisconsin


Our employees call me immediately if the FrontLine Employee is not in their office on the designated day of arrival."

Melvina MacDonald
Tallahasee Memorial Hospital
Tallahasee, Florida


 "Our companies have thoroughly enjoyed receiving the FrontLine Employee. We have had several compliments and the requests for more copies."

Carolyn Rohrig,
Lincoln, Nebraska


"After years of struggling with the newsletter arena -- a fantastic solution! We can now promote our EAP services as state-of-the-art."

Marylee Nunley
RMS, Inc.
Peoria, Illinois


"A great way to keep in tourch with employees and give them useful information. Money well spent!"

Tom McMahon
U.S. Postal Service

Omaha, Nebraska


"Thanks for your speedy reply. Your newsletters are of great value to us and our clients."

Eileen Crochiere
EAP Network
Taunton, Massachusetts

"I currently subscribe to both Frontline Newsletters and find them most beneficial."

Ken Sipes, Director
United Family Services EAP
Charlotte, North Carolina

Dan, thanks for all your help. Your products continue to make us look good.

Frank R. Horton, CEAP, President

FHA Assciates, LLC

Workplace Consulting and Counseling

 "The FrontLine Employee makes me look like a genius!! All of our client companies love the publication, please don't ever stop publishing it. I could never do it on my own."

Bill Hoey, LCSW, CEAP
Family Services Woodfield
, CT

"Fort _______ will continue to use the FrontLine Employee and I think it is a
superior newsletter. Thanks for all your help tweaking the product and
developing things for us."

Eric (Federal Government Employee, Name Withheld)

Note: If you buy now, you will receive 14 months, instead of 12.
Click here to see how I can set up your newsletter for you, free.
Here is how the honor system pricing works:
  • Free Trial - Decide Later - I will send optional invoice.
  • $495 per year: 1 - 100 Employees
  • $695 per year: 101 - 1000 Employees
  • $995 per year: Over 1000 Employees
Price: $ Stock #: 151
a. # Employees?:
c. Format:
d. Free Layout Help?:
e. Other help?:
f. Type # Employees: