Alcoholic Intervention: Intervening with an Alcoholic
How to Help an Alcoholic Employee
Dan Feerst, MSW, LISW is publisher of the Web site and general manager of DFA Publishing & Consulting, LLC. He began his employee assistance career in 1978 as a Social Science Officer for the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, Occupational Alcoholism Program in Langley, VA, and since then has served as a staff member or director for some of America's most well-known Employee Assistance and Counseling Programs, including the Kennecott Copper INSIGHT Employee Assistance Program, the U.S. Department of Agriculture 22 Agency EAP Consortium, and Arlington County Government and Public Schools EAP in Arlington, VA. He has consulted with hundreds of small businesses on helping employees, intervening with substance addicted workers, and how to develop effective alcohol and drug-policies. Dan Feerst speaks nationally and regionally, and has published extensively in employee assistance. He was credited with the intervention model recommended for insertion in the U.S. Small Business Administration's Drug-Free Workplace Kit for Small Businesses by the Corporation Against Drug Abuse, a grantee of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Learn Exactly "What to Say" and "How to Say It"
to Help an Alcoholic Employee Get Help
Guide: How to Intervene with An Alcoholic Employee
Learn to conduct an alcoholic intervention to save the life of an employee and return the worker to productivity.

This program is based on 11 years experience at Arlington Hospital Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Treatment Program in Arlington, VA where I founded and directed ASSIST for Small Business Intervention Program.

Alcoholic Intervention
I saw what worked. I honed the approach. And I instructed dozens business owners and managers each week in precisely what to say and how to say it, using "influence" and "leverage" the employer relationship to motivate an alcoholic to enter treatment.

These approach will motivate alcoholic or drug addict to accept effective help.

This approach will help you salvage a valuable worker with skills before you have to fire them.

Easy to use, so simple, and so successful, that you will tell everyone you know about it. (Please don't copy the book. Send them to us. Thanks.)

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