DOT Training and Alcohol and Drug Education for Workplace Substance Abuse
DOT Supervisor Training - Supervisor Alcohol and Drug Awareness - Strong Supervisor Alcohol Awareness Information - PowerPoint Alcohol and Drug Training - Online Alcohol and Drug Training - Workplace Substance Abuse Awareness
DOT Supervisor Training
To the left are a few clips from the DOT Supervisor Training program for alcohol and drug awareness. When you acquire the full program there are 158 images total.
Alcohol and Drug Training Start
Try the new speed dial button in the center, bottom right that permits rapid scanning of every image in the program
Formats available: PowerPoint, PowerPoint with Sound/Show, Web Course (with sign in, test questions, certificate of completion, and alcohol and drug education pop-up handouts), DVD, Self-play CD and Files for online Flash movie. Buy substance training using the shopping cart below.
Questions? 1-800-626-4327 for ordering or preview questions
Time: Online training via the web course or PowerPoint, Flash, and DOT Supervisor Training DVD formats are two hours because they include supplemental handouts, trainer's guides, discussion materials, and many extras to meet your two hour training requirements.

Formats Available: PowerPoint, PowerPoint with sound, Web Flash Movie, Web course, DVD of the PowerPoint Show (plays in any standard DVD Player, Self-play Flash CD (portable use for many applications). All formats now include several alcohol and drug education handouts that are editable, and reproducible for internal use.

Restrictions: If you put a product on your Web site, you must have a password protected page.
Your web master can easily establish one for you.

What's Unique: We produced this DOT Supervisor Training program to meet the one hour alcohol and one hour drug education requirement. However, we decided the training should have three parts, plenty of test questions, review answers, your policy and referral forms, and handouts.

What about Workplace Alcohol: We inserted intensive education about alcohol in the workplace and alcoholism, and information about the manipulation of supervisors by drinking or drugging employees.

The alcohol in the workplace issue is the key missing piece in most DOT supervisor training programs.
See a preview of the DOT Supervisor Training at our main page at here.

DOT Supervisor Training
What this DOT Supervisor Training Program Will Do for You:
  • Meets alcohol and drug training requirements of the DOT Supervisor Training and  ample material in PowerPoint, DVD, and Flash.
  • Wake up your learners with new material and presentation style you will find in this program
  • Amaze HR and your property casualty insurance carrier when you train around the world and prove every supervisor was trained with the Web course. You'll have a certificate of completion and verification sent to you by the learner via e-mail. You'll snag every straggler who's missed training--guaranteed.)
  • Instantly add more value, reach, and efficiency to your program or service
  • Save time, money, energy, pressure, preparation, logistical hassles, and gas.
  • Reach supervisors and every employee with an e-mail link or enlist the help of HR directors to send the start link to those required to complete training who keep missing it.
  • Show the technological capability of your web site
  • Add content to your web site and make it interactive, thereby improving your ability to market your services
  • Improve your web site's return on investment
  • With PowerPoint sound or no sound, you can train live with the trainer's guide and fill the two hour DOT substance abuse training and alcohol and drug education requirement. (See a couple pages of alcohol and drug education trainer's guide for employees.)
  • See first five pages of the  alcohol and drug education supervisor trainer's guide
  • Reach every employee or supervisor to reduce risk, improve program value, and more easily argue for the sustainability of your program
  • Train and educate 24 hours a day
  • Have more interesting health fairs with these interactive formats
  • E-mail the start link to clients, interested persons, or groups wherever they are.
  • Train employees in the field or away from the employer's location, even around the world and have them e-mail the certificate of completion as proof of participation
  • Seamless appearance with your logo prominently placed (not our logo) on the first slide.
  • Add this product to your growing library of value-added web content.
  • No linking or logins with the -- we give you the program. You own it. You control it. Contact us at any time to update it with material you want added, including your policies, handouts, procedures, etc. These become links in the web course format. Would you like to see an example? Click here to ask me to send a segment of how this works in a piece of a web course we did for the U.S. Army..